The Owl: Conclusion

The Owl: Conclusion

Last week “Why are you holding the owl, Grandma?” “I’m not sure. It seemed to leap into my hand.” “You are so silly, Grandma. It’s not real. Is it?” Good question. Conclusion “Am I real? What kind of question is...
The Owl: Conclusion

The Owl, Part 2

Today I find myself watching the owl carefully. Its head does not move, but its eyes follow me as I stand up and go to answer the door. I take it down from the mantel and take it with me. “Why are you holding the owl, Grandma?” “I’m not sure....

The Owl

Taking a Detour I’ve decided to do something different this week.  As I foolishly announced when I first began this blog last December, I am writing a novel.  Well, was writing a novel.  Between one thing and another, the manuscript has been untouched since last...

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