turkey with santa hat

Image courtesy of Red Bubble

I’m feeling a bit stretched right now, as I suspect many of you are. Between the after-election malaise and the annoyance of Christmas carols before we’ve even celebrated Thanksgiving, I feel the need for some down time.

Thus, no regular post this week.

Instead, I’m going to drive from Santa Cruz to San Diego to help take care of my youngest granddaughter while my daughter-in-law returns to work.  Then we will celebrate Thanksgiving with our extended families.

After that, I plan to fly to DC and spend some time with another grandchild and her parents for a few days.  Walk around the capitol.  Remember what a wonderful country this is.

While traveling at this time of year can be stressful, time with my family always renews my spirits, so I hope to return rejuvenated.

Watch for at least two posts in December. Have a wonderful gratitude-filled Thanksgiving!






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