Transition from Writer to Author – it’s crazy!

I’ve been absent from these pages for nearly month. A month that at times felt like a year, and at other times like a single moment. So I thought it only fair that I bring my loyal readers, and my new subscribers, up to date on what I’ve been doing before I go back to Blogging As Usual.

The Lead-up to Publication

The lead-up to the publication of my latest book was long; once I “finished” the manuscript I shipped it off to an editor, and then to several very patient Beta readers.  Reading and digesting all the comments took many months, but finally the many-times edited manuscript went to the publisher. Then began another waiting game, as my book moved through my publisher’s work stack until he could actually read it, accept it (Yay!), cost out its publication, and develop a schedule.  During this lengthy process, I began my next writing project – the revision of my 1981 book, Organic Cooking for (not-so-organic) Mothers.

I was advised during this period to find someone to help me market the book when it came out, so I spent lots of time, and a bit of money, interviewing and trying out different experts in that field. I finally settled on someone who would evaluate my current “Author Platform” (this website) and social media presence (Instagram, Facebook, Linked In, and Pinterest), and then create a customized plan for me to get my book into the public eye. The biggest find was Nancy – an author assistant – who has helped me develop graphics and increase my social media presence, not my forte at all. She will develop a timeline for the marketing plan and help me put it into action.

The Launch!

Finally, on July 1, my book “launched” – a word I didn’t connect with books or publishing until this experience.  And of course, this launch was taking place in the midst of the 2020 COVID 19 pandemic.  Book launches typically include in-person autograph parties and book readings.  Mine would have to be virtual. Other aspects of traditional book launches include gathering a team of friends to help get the word out, and lots of posts on social media, That I could do, even during SIP.  My first virtual reading and Q & A was July 7 and it was amazing. Many of you were there, and I thank you for your support and kind comments during the event. It made me happy to know that people were reading my book, and enjoying the stories.

This Sunday I will host my second Zoom reading and Q&A, with a third planned in August.  It’s all good, but I’m already tired of the marketing process: I want to return to my keyboard and start writing again.  Marketing is hard, and I don’t enjoy it.  It reminds me of when I used to sell Girl Scout Cookies, or later, Current greeting cards and wrapping paper. There were always lots of “no’s” — and I hate rejection.

Return to Real LifeAutographing First Book

But here I am, in the middle of the launch, making new friends, learning new skills.  It turns out that it’s possible to be both a writer and an author.  Who knew? I might even get used to it.


Marlene Bumgarner is a writer, college instructor, grandma, and companion to Kismet, her sweet Border Collie. Her new memoir, Back to the Land in Silicon Valley, chronicles her adventures and challenges of living on the land in the 1970s. She enjoys writing, cooking, gardening, and reading bedtime stories to her grandchildren on FaceTime or Zoom. She also loves reading your comments, which can be posted below. 

Photography by Nancy Wood.

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